Tsi lu gi
to my den. Many thanks to you for dropping in. Once inside just be sure
and step around my pup, Stephen. He's a very active 3 year old pup, as
most are. But, he's my pride and joy. A miracle in many ways.And he now has a 6 mth. old sister,whom he loves dearly. My name is
Cheyanne, and I have Cherokee in my blood. My native heritage has
always been an important part of my life, along with it's history. But,
it's the wolf in me that most don't know about. He guides my every day
life and is my constant shadow. I think, that in the last few years I have
become interested in the wolf and his mystical powers over my life.I have in the last few weeks had the fortune of adding a male wolf to my family.He's a real beauty,and we named him Dakota.
My pups and I live in
the Great Smoky Mountains of North Carolina. It's a wonderful place to
raise pups, many trails for them to discover and lots of room to roam and
wander. Of course there's lots of mischief for them to get into also. And
they constantly keep me on the run, protecting them from those that could
harm them. Follow the link here to see his page and some pictures of him.
StephenWolf's Page
In the evenings we can most
times be found in #TizSheWolf.
A channel that I have on
It's a great server,that I have been at for several years now.And have met and made MANY a good friend,and also lost some.It is a family server which doesn't allow porn or warez.Just follow the link above to get there.Let me welcome you and I hope that you enjoy your time spent in my den.
As with any channel, if you have any trouble, please by all means let me know, and it will be took care of immediately. Wado *thanks* to you my
friends for stopping in.
Your welcome here anytime.
Oh Great Wolf
The keeper of my soul
May your spirit
Always be with me
Wherever I go.
My eyes and yours
They are the same
We see each sunrise
Of each passing day.
For many moons
Our spirits have traveled
our Father's great land
We walk together
Tho not hand in hand.
Guide me oh Great One
So that I may see
To the needs of my people
For they depend on me.
Oh Great Wolf
Always beside me be
For the Great Spirit
Has joined us eternally.
Cheyanne ©1997