O'siyo Tsi Lu Gi
Hello! and Welcome
Here you will find links to some friends pages,which
are constantly being updated. Please take the time and check them out.
Of course, sign their books and
let them know what you think of their pages. And I
will be adding more as I get them. Hopefully will
be able to get more Native American links too.
So keep checking back.
If your interested in the Wolf Counter that I have,you can get
it here
Cherokee Warrior
My Cherokee Warrior
So proud you stand
Fighting for what you believe in
In this our Father's land.
You are so strong,so noble and wise
That's the way you are seen
Through your people's eyes.
So fight your battle's
And take a firm stand
For you are everything
To every man.
To me you are warm,gentle and kind
My Cherokee Warrior
You'll always be mine.
We joined our lives
For all to see
My Great Warrior
So proud I'll be.
I promise to honor,love and obey
Our children will show you the words that I say
Oh Great spirit always beside us be
Taking care of my
Cherokee Warrior and me.
Cheyanne © 1997
Cherokee Prayer Blessing
May the warm winds of heaven
Blow softly upon your house.
May the Great Spirit
Bless all who enter there.
May your mocassins
Make happy tracks
In many snows,
And may the rainbow
Always touch your shoulder.